Hello Sky Families!

September testing time is coming up and this testing will have two different available options. The first option we have is in-person testing.

For in-person testing we request the following:

  1. Go to calendly.com/skywarrington.
  2. Follow the link and click on the testing option to schedule your belt testing time for either Wednesday, September 16th or Thursday, September 17th.
  3. Come in for testing at your scheduled time. Parents will not be allowed in the studio at this time due to limited space. Please come prepared and ready with your full uniform and belt. No gear is required.

The second option we have for our students is virtual testing with private in-person board breaking. Full uniform and belts are required for virtual testing.

Videos have to be sent by Monday, September 14th to Wednesday, September 16th .

  1. The test will be done via video submission. Students- with their parent's assistance- should record their:

    -          Ten Basic Motions

    -          Kicking Combination

    -          Form

    -          Belt meaning

    -          Breaking (In-person Friday, September 18th and Saturday, September 19th)

  2. The video should be one take, no cuts, and all skills should be included in one video. You may record as many times as necessary to show everything to the best of your ability, but you may only submit one video for review. The video should:

    -           Be one take (no cuts or edits)

    -          Show the student's entire face and body

    -          Be filmed head-on, with the student facing the camera 

    -          Recorded in a space large enough to accommodate all skills, with minimal background noise

    -          Show ONLY the student

  3. Email the file of your video to skywarrington@gmail.com, send through google photo, google drive, or post your video on YouTube and send us the link.

    You can view an example here:


  4. Board breaking is required for virtual students this testing period and each student must schedule a breaking time on calendly.com/skywarrington
  5. Follow the link and click on the Board Breaking option to schedule your board breaking time for either Friday, September 18th or Saturday, September 19th. Siblings please schedule one breaking time together.

Testing fees are consistent with previous testings and we accept cash or check only:

White/Yellow: $50.00

Orange - Blue: $60.00

Purple and up: $70.00


Finally, for anyone who is unsure, here is a breakdown of the techniques to be demonstrated in the video by belt level: 


Little Tiger:

Ten basic motions, kicking combination (knee strike/front snap/ax kick), stripe belts should additionally show (kick, switch your feet and kick), Tiger form, answer “why do you need training for taekwondo”, breaking (pushing kick)



Ten basic motions, kicking combination (knee strike/front snap/ax kick), Form 1  & Belt meaning,  breaking (Hammer Fist)



Ten basic motions, kicking combination (knee strike/front snap/kick/ax kick roundhouse kick -Teen & Adult group should add side kick, and do all combinations on both sides), form 2, belt meaning, breaking (Pushing Kick)



Curriculum B: Ten basic motions, kicking combination (kick/kick/spin around kick), form 5, belt meaning, breaking (Flying Side Kick)



Curriculum C: Ten basic motions, kicking combination (skipping kick/kick spinning hook kick), form 9,  belt meaning, breaking (Spinning Hook Kick)



Curriculum C (purple, red, and brown belt): 3 Ten basic motions, 3 kicking combinations (front snap/roundhouse/ax kick, both legs), form 8, form 10 part 3, belt meaning, breaking (360 Back kick)


1st Dan Black Belt:

Nunchuck 10 basic motions (up to your number), kicking combination (Front snap/roundhouse/ax kick, both legs, your number), Taekuk ojong (Form 7), Koryo, music form (up to your part), black belt principles (your section), breaking (step up spinning hook kick or 360 spinning hook kick)


2nd Dan Black Belt:

Bo staff music form (up to your number), kicking combination (front snap/roundhouse/ax kick, both legs, your number), Koryo & Keumgang, black belt principles (your section), breaking (roundhouse kick and back kick)

2 FREE Martial Arts Classes!